Mental wellness support, where & when it’s needed most.
The Navi app provides students with 24/7 evidence-based support to navigate their everyday challenges.
Expand your impact and reach more students by bridging the gaps with Navi.
Easy to access, self-guided mental health support with on-ramps to existing services.
Students select a self-guided mini activity that results in the co-creation of an action plan.
Navi identifies students at risk and escalates the situation by administering the CSSRS, encouraging the student to create a safety plan. Navi follows the school's protocol for who to notify at the school.
Schools receive an insights report with engagement data and student's top challenges and stressors.
Backed by Decades of Research
The Navi app was built upon decades of research. Navi’s Single Session Supports, known to students as “mini activities,” each focus on specific skills or mindsets. Each activity takes an element of longer-term, evidence-based treatment programs and has been proven to independently reduce mental health issues and foster long-term positive change.
The right support for students at the right time.
🤓 Self-guided activities available 24/7
📌 Targeted & specific for student’s everyday challenges
↗️ Personalized action planning & clear next steps
🧠 Build resiliency & skills to navigate tough moments
☎️ On-ramps to existing school services & crisis lines
Insights in Real Time
Understand the challenges & stressors that your students face.
Engagement data & product usage information
Understand top challenges faced by students
View aggregated action plans
Coming soon: benchmark insights from other schools
Most students in need of mental health support don’t receive it.
We’re on a mission to change that.
of teens with mental health challenges never access treatment.
of students are digitally native, and most first access mental health support through digital tools.
is the ratio of school counselors to students - meaning that self guided supports are needed.
Clinical Experts Behind the Content
Clare Beatty, M.A., PhD exp 2026
Dr. Jessica Schleider
The Navi app offers 24/7, self-guided and evidence-based mental wellness support for students.
We value your privacy and will keep things confidential, unless we detect a severe situation, including suicide.
Our goal is to maintain your privacy while also keeping you safe. If we detect high risk, we will follow your school's protocol by notifying your school and direct you to a crisis resource.
Please feel free to read our full privacy policy.
Absolutely not! Navi was designed to expand counselors impact and reach more students that wouldn’t otherwise be reached. Navi also provide on-ramps to existing school services, and promote help seeking behavior.
Navi is not a replacement for medical care and should never be used as clinical advice or treatment. For any questions or concerns regarding behavioral or physical health, please see your licensed medical provider.
Yes! Navi uses industry standard protocols to ensure data is kept secure. Additionally, student accounts are protected through single sign on with the email provider.
Want to learn more?
Schedule a time to meet with our team to discuss your needs and learn how Navi can help the students at your school!